Table of Contents

  1. Getting Started
    1. System Requirements
    2. Installation
      1. Mac OS X
      2. Windows
      3. Other Operating Systems
      4. Java Runtime Environment Information
    3. Help
  2. Using Balloonist
    1. Workspace Geography
    2. Properties Pane
    3. Layout
    4. Page
    5. The Toolbar
    6. Artwork Elements
      1. Balloons
      2. Panels
      3. Crowds
      4. Images
      5. Selections
    7. Object Hierarchy Pane
    8. Leftovers
  3. Document Management
  4. Interacting with the Outside World
    1. Printing
    2. File Exchange
      1. Vector Export Formats
      2. Image Export
      3. ComicsML Import
    3. Copy and Paste
  5. Preferences
    1. Text Tab
    2. Shape Tab
  6. Terms, Conditions, and Licensing
    1. Terms & Conditions
      1. Usage Agreement
      2. Privacy Policy
      3. Import Restrictions
      4. Component Libraries
      5. Contact Information
    2. Purchasing a License
  7. Technical Support